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Liang Ma LiangMa
Software Engineer

TikTok UK

Rahul Singha REX51
Backend Developer
i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Abdelrhafour EL MOUSSAOUI abelmou
Master's student in Artificial Intelligence | Enthusiastic about Computer Science 💻 and Artificial Intelligence 🤖🧠

Rabat-Salé-Kenitra, Morocco

Vaishnav vaishnavprabhakar
I'm self learnt Django Developer and tech enthusiast.

Bridgeon Solutions Calicut

Tendulkar Karthikeyan tendulkark
Write Codes 💻 Play Final🎮
Fathrezza F Arief fathrezza146 Somwhere in Java

Rishit Reddy Rishit-Reddy

Scimics Stockholm, Sweden

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


wang ispacewang
Movie fan......
Feng Jing fengjing
Done is better than perfect.

China WuXi

Abhishek Ranjan abhi1ranjan
I am an MTech Res—student at IISc Bangalore, working in the field of Safe RL applications related to Robotics. I have also developed interests in RS, CV & NLP.

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Daniel danielteberian
Programmer, lawyer-in-training, devout Christian. I am the developer of @LibertyOS-Development

@LibertyOS-Development Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Weijie Dong Jnoodles
My name is Weijie Dong majored in high energy physics at Fudan University, Shanghai, China now.

@FDU Shanghai

darwjointothegame Darwero
➤Software Engineer ➤Web Developer ➤Fake Diavlo-Clone ➤Database.CX ➤Uruguay Montevideo
Dinesh Yerra dinokage
Yellow Flash of Konoha
Gabriel Neves rkzwei
Cloud Engineer - AWS, GCP

São Paulo, Brazil

Aman Soni iamansoni07
Programmer who loves to code , currently getting familiar with open source and realm of development
Mikiyas Mebrate MikiyasMebrate
I am a student at American College of Technology with a major in Computer Science. I have a passion for computer programming.

Addis Ababa, Etiopia