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jester => swagger => postman

This hybrid package transforms routes from Jester to Swagger JSON. The purpose is to generate a Swagger JSON file that can be imported directly into Postman.

Run jester2swagger on your Jester routes and voila, you have a Swagger JSON file that can be imported directly into Postman.

Okay, this is not a 100% compliant with the Swagger specification, but it works fine for generating a Swagger JSON file that can be imported without any hassle into Postman.

Generating Swagger JSON

Print it

You can just print directly to stdout and enjoy your Swagger JSON:

$ jester2swagger -f routes/apiRoutes.nim

Parse one file

Create a single Swagger JSON file from a single Jester route file in the folder swagger/folder-

$ jester2swagger -f routes/apiRoutes.nim -o swagger/folder

Parse many file

The key here is the * wildcard. All files within the folder will parsed.

$ jester2swagger -f routes/* -o swagger/folder

Example output

An output file can found in the tests folder named test_routes_swagger.example.json.

Supported route items

  • Files containing Jester router or Jester routes
  • GET, POST, DELETE and HEAD routes is supported.
  • Specified Http-responses (resp Http204) or indirected (redirect "/", resp "OK")
  • Nim comments just below the route (## Double hashtags are supported)
  • In-path parameters are supported (/users/@id)
  • In-query parameters are supported (/users?id=value)
  • In-body parameters are supported (@"userID")


import jester2swagger

swagIt("tests/test_routes.nim", baseurl="", print=true)

CLI tool

$ ./jester2swagger --help
    jester2swagger {options}

  -h, --help      Print this help message
  -f, --filepath  Full path to the file to parse or * for whole directory
  -b, --baseurl   Base url for the swagger routes
  -p, --print     Print the swagger routes to stdout
  -j, --json      Save output to JSON file
  -o, --output    Output file for JSON file (defaults to current directory)

  Convert Jester-route files to Swagger 2.0 JSON. JSON is partly compliant
  with the Swagger 2.0 specification but allows for direct import in Postman.

  If `filepath` includes an asterix (*) all files in the directory will be
  converted (only available for output to file). Each file will generate it's
  own JSON file (aka Postman collection).

  Output is written to the current directory unless `output` is specified.

  `GET`, `POST`, `DELETE` and `HEAD` routes is supported.

INFO Swagger is making jokes


Convert Jester to Swagger to Postman








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