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GitHub Action

Actions with extras for HXLTM

v0.5.0 Pre-release

Actions with extras for HXLTM


Actions with extras for HXLTM

Actions with extras for HXLTM


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Actions with extras for HXLTM

uses: fititnt/hxltm-extras-action@v0.5.0

Learn more about this action in fititnt/hxltm-extras-action

Choose a version


[non-production-ready] Ad hoc GitHub Actions for non-HXL / non-HXLTM cli tools. See fititnt/hxltm-action#6

Table of Contents


This documentation explains the action.yml and

Baseline inputs

Baseline inputs, together with Environment variables, are enough to abstract how to use the underlying command line tools.


Required The executable to run.

Parameter examples:

  • csvstat
  • hxltmdexml (or .github/hxltm/ (*)


Arguments passed for the program defined by bin parameter. Default: undefined.

Parameter examples:

  • --help
  • -v
  • --sheet 7 (Select sheet from a Excel workbook (1 is first sheet))


The input file for the program defined by bin parameter Note on non use of pipelines. Default: undefined.

Parameter examples:

  • fontem.hxl.csv
  • fontem.tbx


The output file for the program defined by bin parameter Note on non use of pipelines. Default: undefined.

Parameter examples:

  • objectivum.tbx
  • objecricum.hxl.csv

Environment variables

Reusable defaults

The way GitHub Actions steps works, environment variables can be both passed at the entire job level or at specific tasks. One implication of action.yml and is that the use of environment variables at job level can be used to create default values for potentially repetitive values for each individual task.

TODO: test this potential implication and document it.

Syntactic sugar inputs

This section shows some syntactic sugar (or intentional syntactic saccharins) for what could be done using other ways, often with args parameter. Some of these only use English for what hxltm cli tools use Latin.


None implemented on the current version. Use Baseline inputs and Environment variables.

hxltm-extras-action tools

POSIX commands

Name Description
comm Select the lines common to two sorted files or the lines contained in only one of them. (Manual: man 1 comm on your system, GNU, FreeBSD.)
cut Select portions of each line in one or more files. (Manual: man 1 cut, GNU, FreeBSD.)
grep Select the lines that match or do not match a pattern from one or more files. (Manual: man 1 grep, GNU, FreeBSD.)
join Take two files sorted by a common field and join their lines on the value of that field. Lines with values that do not appear in the other file are discarded. (Manual: man 1 join, GNU, FreeBSD.)
paste Combine several consecutive lines in a text file into one. (Manual: man 1 paste, GNU, FreeBSD.)
sort Sort lines by key fields. (Manual: man 1 sort, GNU, FreeBSD.)
uniq Find or remove repeated lines. (Manual: man 1 uniq, GNU, FreeBSD.)

Documentation source: dbohdan/structured-text-tools

Other commands installed

  • bash (as 2021-11-09: GNU bash, version 5.1.4(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu))
  • diff (as 2021-11-09: diff (GNU diffutils) 3.7)
  • git (as 2021-11-09: git version 2.30.2)
  • sed (as 2021-11-09: sed (GNU sed) 4.7)
  • unzip (as 2021-11-09: UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP.)
  • tar (as 2021-11-09: tar (GNU tar) 1.34)
  • xz (as 2021-11-09: xz (XZ Utils) 5.2.5)







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To the extent possible under law, Emerson Rocha and non anonymous collaborators have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work to Public Domain.

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