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GitHub Action

bumper - Bump version when merging Pull Request with specific labels. Bump versions on tag push.

v2.1.1 Latest version

bumper - Bump version when merging Pull Request with specific labels. Bump versions on tag push.


bumper - Bump version when merging Pull Request with specific labels. Bump versions on tag push.

Bump version when merging Pull Request with specific labels (bumper:major, bumper:minor, bumper:patch, bumper:none)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: bumper - Bump version when merging Pull Request with specific labels. Bump versions on tag push.

uses: Inetum-Poland/action-bumper@v2.1.1

Learn more about this action in Inetum-Poland/action-bumper

Choose a version


.github/workflows/pre_commit.yml .github/workflows/trufflehog.yaml

Original projects: action-bumpr, update-semver.

action-bumper bumps semantic version tag on merging Pull Requests with specific labels (bumper:major,bumper:minor,bumper:patch, bumper:none), and creates semver tags on tag push.


This repository uses the Conventional Commits.

For more information please see the Conventional Commits documentation.


This repository uses the pre-commit.

Please be respectful while contributing and after cloning this repo install the pre-commit hooks.

> pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t commit-msg

For more information please see the pre-commit documentation.


Name Description Default Required
default_bump_level Default bump level if labels are not attached [major, minor, patch, none]. Do nothing if it's empty false
dry_run Do not actually tag next version if it's true false
github_token GITHUB_TOKEN to list pull requests and create tags ${{ github.token }} true
tag_as_user Name to use when creating tags false
tag_as_email Email address to use when creating tags false
bump_major Label name for major bump (bumper:major) bumper:major false
bump_minor Label name for minor bump (bumper:minor) bumper:minor false
bump_patch Label name for patch bump (bumper:patch) bumper:patch false
bump_none Label name for no bump (bumper:none) bumper:none false
fail_if_no_bump Fail if no bump label is found false false
bump_semver Whether to updates major/minor release tags on a tag push. e.g. Update v1 and v1.2 tag when released v1.2.3 false false
include_v Include v prefix in tag true false
add_latest Add latest tag false false


Name Description
current_version current version
next_version next version
skip True if release is skipped. e.g. No labels attached to PR.
message Tag message


      - main
      - 'v?*.*.*'
      - main
      - labeled
      - unlabeled
      - opened
      - reopened
      - synchronize

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # Bump version on merging Pull Requests with specific labels.
      # (bumper:major, bumper:minor, bumper:patch, bumper:none)
      - id: bumper
        uses: inetum-poland/action-bumper@v2
          fail_if_no_bump: true
          # If you want this to work, you need to add GitHub App token.
          bump_semver:     true
          add_latest:      true


action-bumper uses push on master event to run workflow instead of pull_request closed (merged) event because github token doesn't have write permission for pull_request from fork repository.