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GitHub Action

SemVer Data Action

v1.0.1 Latest version

SemVer Data Action


SemVer Data Action

Checks SemVer version numbers and provides outputs for the various parts and next version numbers


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: SemVer Data Action

uses: peter-murray/semver-data-action@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in peter-murray/semver-data-action

Choose a version


A Github Action that wil parse, validate and then provide data back on a SemVer version number.

This includes parsing out the major, minor, patch and the pre release aspects as well as providing next version numbers for the major, minor and patch for the provided version number.


  • version: The version number to be parsed as a SemVer


  • version: The parsed SemVer value

  • major: The major part of the parsed SemVer, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return 1

  • minor: The minor part of the parsed SemVer, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return 2

  • patch: The major part of the parsed SemVer, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return 3

  • isPreRelease: A boolean as a string indicating if the parsed SemVer is a pre release version, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return false, but for 1.2.3-alpha it would return `true

  • preRelease: The pre release part of the parsed SemVer as a JSON array, e.g. for version 1.2.3-alpha.1 it would return ["alpha", 1]

  • preReleaseString: The pre release part of the parsed SemVer as a string, e.g. for version 1.2.3-alpha.1 it would return alpha.1

  • nextMajor: The next major version number as a string, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return 2.0.0

  • nextMinor: The next minor version number as a string, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return 1.3.0

  • nextPatch: The next patch version number as a string, e.g. for version 1.2.3 it would return 1.2.4

  • semeverData: The full JSON data structure of the parsed SemverData type


- name: Parse SemVer
  id: version
  uses: peter-murray/semver-action@v1
    version: 1.2.3-alpha.1

- name: Print next major
  run: echo ${{ steps.version.outputs.nextMajor }}